Monday 31 March 2008

0800 aint what it used to be!

Move over 0800. 0845 is now first choice for business telephone numbers!

Recent search engine statistics for February 2008 show that online purchases of 0845 numbers outweighed 0800 numbers by a factor of 3 to 1. WOW! 3 to 1. That's not just big, that's HUGE!

When you look at why 0845 is the number 1 choice though, it becomes increasingly obvious as to why it's taken the lead spot.

Simply put, 0845 is sensible whilst 0800 spells risk. Consider the following.

1. 0800 is clearly open to abuse. If an employee's partner discovers that they can speak to their other half at work FREE OF CHARGE, then why wouldn't they? Imagine that. Not only are you paying staff who don't produce anything, they cost you more money to receive (possibly) lengthy phone calls from unscrupulous partners. If they knew their call was going to cost them somnething, they would be less likely to make calls as readily.

2. It attracts the dreaded bargain hunter. If people aren't prepared to pay for a telephone call when enquiring about your products or services, are they going to want to pay full price for anything - or are they expecting a bargain?

3. Salespeople will target 0800 numbers as it keeps the cost of cold calling down. Paying to receive unwanted sales calls...hmmm.

4. 0845 is only the cost of a local call anyway, it's hardly going to break the bank given the competitive prices of calling locally these days.

Of course, both 0800 and 0845 allow you to monitor call levels, so from a monitoring point of view, are still exceptional tools for business.